March 12, 2020
Dearest Families,
We at Little Tree Huggers want you to know that we are in direct contact with the Health Department and local agencies in regards to COVID-19. We have changed some of our procedures and protocols to do our part at minimizing the spread of the virus.
We are asking parents to sanitize their hands before entering the building. In addition to washing the children’s hands after using the potty, before and after meals and snacks, upon waking from nap, after playing outside… we are now washing hands upon arrival at the daycare with soap and warm water. Toys and hard surfaces are being sanitized several times throughout the day instead of just at the end of the day. We are taking the children outside each day without exception to get fresh air and good ole Vitamin D from the sun.
Furthermore, we are, without exception, enforcing the rules on the “Updated February 2020” illness policy. You must have this on file by Tuesday, March 17th or your child will not be able to attend daycare on March 17th. If you need a new packet, please ask Jillian.
If your child is seen by a doctor, we need the diagnosis listed on the doctor’s note. You may have to ask your doctor to do this for you as this may not be their typical protocol. If your doctor’s note does not have the diagnosis on it, your child may not return to school. This policy is in place to protect your child and all the children at the daycare.
We will get through this uncertain time. Right now things seem crazy and unpredictable, we know. However your children are our top priority. We love them as our own, with all of our hearts. Lastly, we promise to keep you updated and informed to the best of our ability regarding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the community. Please click the link to learn more: